Saturday, April 20, 2013


DANGER!  You may have been directed here by a vindictive stalker.
If you found this blog completely on your own, you are at no risk and can safely ignore this warning.  If you were directed here by a woman named DAWN or one of her aliases or friends please realize that you are at risk… not from me, but from her.  She is a dangerous stalker who will use any means possible to exact revenge as your presence here clearly demonstrates.  Her sworn promise of “Your secret is safe no matter what” was completely worthless [your presence here is direct proof of that as well] and allowing myself to be vulnerable to her was a mistake I will apparently regret for the rest of my life.  Do NOT repeat my mistake by trusting her to keep your confidences; they will eventually be used against you.  She perceives every slight [real or imagined] as a deliberate act of betrayal justifying any and all acts of retribution.  If she will do this kind of harm to a man who loved her, a man she purchased an engagement ring for, what harm might she do to you?  Her adult daughters aren’t safe from her stalking, neither will you be.  Both her daughters insist that there be no contact, so she stalks them electronically.
She entered into relationship with me with her eyes wide open, despite what she may have told you she was aware of this side of my life from the very beginning and found it appealing and attractive as many women do.  Unfortunately, I’ve come to realize that attraction was not physical or emotional, but rather a means of control based on the constant threat of exposure which my rejection has now triggered.
Trust you if you wish, but I can tell you from experience you do so at your peril.