Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We Still Miss lydia

I'm sorry I have been absent so long. Crissy's life has been an incredible roller coaster of worldly demands and self discovery. What this blog is, will be, should be, & what I want it to be has been jumbled up in that grand melange of life.

Little of that has come to any firm conclusion, but Doll, and Lovely L have both reminded me of two things:

1. I owe us [you and I] better than this

2. We still miss our friend slutgirl lydia.

Much of my absence has been filled with getting acquainted and posting at other sites like pantykin and facebook, discovering just how thrilling it is to post and share the erotic stories of the viewers, not to mention online encounters, and photo exchanges with new friends.

Much of this has revolved around learning new rules and site restrictions: not too much dick, not too hard, cheek but no crack, crack but no hole...

That's why this post is what it is ... down & dirty... no plot... no window dressing... just Crissy's prettiest buttblug... right where it belongs..., just like lydia would do... and if that isn't the sort of thing you like seeing... well this post wasn't really for you anyway - was it?

I still miss lydia!


  1. Dear Sissy Crissy

    Thank you so much for the pictuers and the kind and warm words to slut girl lydia, even if I no longer have my blog. I'm so happy that you think I have given you so much.
    I have take away my blog because unfortunately my life has taking a way that
    I never ever think it should do.
    I did my blog together with a man how was my hole life, but now he has decided to take another way and that way does not include me. I’m just trying to keep myself together now and hope that I can find a way to go on in life.

    Loving kisses slut girl lydia

  2. Thank you for all you have given us...know that you are never far from our thoughts and know that when you are loved you are never alone and that your friends are always here for you. Take all the time you need, but don't stay away too long.
    Life is as much the next relationship as the last. Know that you can count on your to support you through this most difficult time.
    Your friends will always love you and be here waiting.
    Any note here will get my attention - don't go through this alone.

  3. Man I miss that chick's blog too. It was a reason to get online every day. Hey I am getting new plugs in the mail. Check them out soon!
